*[[___ my lifee`-//*
Saturday, July 29, 2006
I am back..finally back..sniff sniff.. still in 1 piece..still got black hair..lol..For those who miss me.. i miss u too.. for those who nv miss me.. i also miss u for not missing me..hee..
Finally.. all my assignment over le...yea!!! i like this sem assignment period.. immediately after our break and end in 3 weeks time instead of the 4-5weeks during year 1.. Had finish all my presentation as well and wads awaiting me is my test and exam next week and in 2 weeks time. Donno y leh..feel that this sem pass very fast.. assignment result release next week le..feel worried about it..
Monday, July 03, 2006
*[[___ about miee `-//*
|||_de bOi_|||*[[___ linkkie `-//*
*[[___ China Trip 2007 `-//*
*][Vanessa][*[[___ Old Friend `-//*
*][Michelle][*[[___ Poly `-//*
*][Justine][*[[___ Secondary `-//*
*][hui Min][*[[___ taggie`-//*
*[[ Welcum to my world ]]*
*[[ The hardest tink to do is to watch de person u love, love someone else]]*
*[[ It wasnt meant to b]]*
*[[ The day u went away ]]*
*[[ If i had plucked one star whenever u make mi laugh ]]*
*[[ de whole sky wld hav been in my hand ]]*
*[[ I'd be holding da galaxy in my handx]]*
*[[___ and the past is in the past... `-//*
*[[___ wohuixuezhefangqini shiyinweiwotaiaini `-//*
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