*[[___ my lifee`-//*
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Mid 3rd week of my FYP.. getting things to do le.. but no ideas how to do it.. so feeling quite fustrated and tired in school facing a reader that gives out radiation 9hours a days for 5 days in a week.. Chances of getting Cancer is getting higher and higher..
Just realise that i am getting back to my "own world" le.. reasons being that i am not having lunch with my classmates everyday. Coming school alone, staying alone in Egarage, staying alone in sig room, going school library alone, going out alone, eating alone, playing alone and thinking alone..
Not that i am suffering from "zi bi" but sometimes, just enjoy the loneliness, esp in bus with just me and the bus driver.. but not on the last bus.. you cant blame me cos i am like that for the past 19 years le..
The radiation had really cause me to feel tired everyday..
Friday, April 20, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
After seeing this post title, u may or i can even say confirm be thinking one of the following :
1) a brief rest, as from work
2) to lose control; weaken
3) a collapse of health, strength, or spirit; breakdown
Which one do u think i am refering to? See how well u know me ba..
2nd week of IHP.. today morning had training and after that went to prize ceremony to take my director list paper..no module prize =(
But, to all my PhotoVideo SIG members, i am proud of you.. Today seeing so many of my members getting overall top performance, module prize and director list.. i really feel so happy inside the club with you all..Good job..after that went back to had some refreshment that is actually for the parent but many left over.. so all egarage IHP ppl are eating outside..hee.. like gathering
after i finish my food, i slept till 4+ to meet my supervisor about my project. Start to get some work to do le.. my supervisor wanna to see how well we are in RFID. so he ask us to do a small application and show him on monday next week.. Finally got things to do le..
However, after he left, i sleep again till 5+ to log out.
My sleeping style is super unique lo.. hee..
i sleep on chair instead of table, and my knee is on the floor.. so i am kneeing to sleep??? hee..
Then.. i realise that i cannot take it le.. so i walk out of the school.. stone at the bus stop for 30mins?? before crossing the bridge to take bus back..
To for me to do something to save and help myself le.. =D
Sunday, April 15, 2007
*[[___ about miee `-//*
*[[___ linkkie `-//*
*[[___ China Trip 2007 `-//*
*][Vanessa][*[[___ Old Friend `-//*
*][Michelle][*[[___ Poly `-//*
*][Justine][*[[___ Secondary `-//*
*][hui Min][*[[___ taggie`-//*
*[[ Welcum to my world ]]*
*[[ The hardest tink to do is to watch de person u love, love someone else]]*
*[[ It wasnt meant to b]]*
*[[ The day u went away ]]*
*[[ If i had plucked one star whenever u make mi laugh ]]*
*[[ de whole sky wld hav been in my hand ]]*
*[[ I'd be holding da galaxy in my handx]]*
*[[___ and the past is in the past... `-//*
*[[___ wohuixuezhefangqini shiyinweiwotaiaini `-//*
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